Monday, July 26, 2010

You are not......

You are not alone-For God is with you.
You are not defenseless-For God is your protector.
You are not inadequate-For God is your sufficiency.
You are not useless-For God has a prupose for your life.
You are not worthless -For God sent His Son to die for you.
You are not without hope - For God has a place prepared fo ryou.
You are not unloved -For God loves you with an everlasting love.
You are not rejected, or abandoned - For God calls you His own.

"I will lnever fail you.  I will never abandon you.  "So we can say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear.  What can mere people do to me?"  Hebrews 13:5-6 NLT

Ever have one of those days....went in to work today, Monday morning and had an email that a co-worker firend's mother died over the weekend, she had breast cancer...I HATE CANCER...helps to remember what we have in Jesus!!!!

God bless all of you!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Doll quilt -Garden Fairy

Inspiration...from a magazine article featuring embroidery with piecing then quilted.  I don't embroider, but someday would love to have the time to learn and do so.  Instead, I thought well, what can I I used a varigated multi-colored thread and stitched out the garden fairy followed by the patchwork,  added some borders and quilted some designs....still practicing my borders as you can see {used a solid very pale green backing}, but I love the colors and it was fun creating, love quick finishes since time is always short.   Have a great week sewing!