Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday #20

Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by Susan of A Southern Daydreamer. Beautiful outdoor photos can be found, when you stop by Susan’s, each Wednesday. Below is my contribution to Outdoor Wednesday this week.

We have a pond in our backyard with the new birth of gosslings, along with chirping crickets and croaking chorus of bull frogs...which I love to listen to. One of my garden islands with daffadils and up front a weeping cherry tree...look colors and textures abound.


  1. Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday Michelle! Glad you joined us!! I would love to have a pond in my wonderful! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  2. Michelle what a great idea to have a Outdoor Wednesday. Love your outdoor pond and flower pictures.

  3. Ohhhh, I absolutely love this. The baby geese are so sweet and the way you photographed that daffadil - beautiful.

    Do you know I've never known there was such a thing as a weeping cherry tree. That's especially need.

  4. The weeping cherries are so beautiful when they are properly pruned. I love your photos.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.