Friday, June 26, 2009

Pink Saturday-June 27th

It’s time for Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday

Happy PS! I've set my table all in a "pink glow". I have collected only 2 of the lady head vases, from antique stores, that I paid more than I wanted to, but I never see anything like them at garage sales. Close up of the hanging petunia baskets. Thank you fo stopping by, have a great weekend.


  1. How beautiful each frames is. Your tablescape is fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  2. Happy Pinks Michelle! Love your pretty in pink tablescape! Those darling lady head vases are too precious! Great find! The petunias are beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Happy Pink Saturday Michelle,
    I love head vases..I only have one and she is in green...but I sure love her...they are sooooo expensive
    Your table is so very pretty
    There is a lady that lives about 40 miles from me and they say she has over five hundred of them....I have been begging to get to meet her so I could take pictures...she is getting quite old and I know she has some stories to tell.

  4. I am just one debbie not

  5. Beautiful pink. Love it.
    Happy PS

    Lots of luv,

  6. HaPpy PiNk SaTuRdAy! Beautiful table. I see a glimpse of a chandelier . . . I can imagine it's lovely! :) Marsha

  7. Oh that Pink lady is just adorable. Your table is perfect.

  8. Happy Pink Saturday. Wonderful pinks, how perfect for today.

    Your blog is so lovely. It is such a pleasure to get to know you and see you around the blogs.

    Warm Regards,

  9. happy pink saturday, beautiful pink post

  10. Love the Lady Heads!
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

  11. What a sweet Pink Saturday blog post! There's just something about the color pink that brings out the best of everything☺

    ♥ the head dolls!

    Have a wonderful weekend. Finally warm and sunny here, hope your neck of the woods is just as pink-a-licious as mine♥

  12. Such a beautiful pink post. Happy pink Saturday

  13. What a beautiful tablescape. It is lovely as are your delicate flowers. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  14. Beautiful! Your table looks lovely in pink! I love the head vases - Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Oh Michelle, I love the lady head vases. They are so beautiful. Your table is absolutely breathtaking. I have only used 2 - 4 candles in the past. My next dinner I am going to set my table ablaze also. It is incredibly beautiful. Please stop by Country Wings in Phoenix, and see my little piece of heaven in the desert. I worked in the yard yesterday and the pinks are so pretty. I am trying to "Summerize". I have added my name to your Followers, I would feel honored if you did the same. "Country Hugs", Sherry

  16. Amen about having too many quilts to finish. I think the hardest part for me isn't even finding time per se but a length of time without something else interfering. I think that's why what I have finished has been rather basic blocks and shapes. The intricate stuff is hard to leave and then come back to for five minutes and do it right. I wind up making a mistake and then spending another ten minutes getting back to where I was in the first place.

    Love you pink Saturday! Those little ladies are just beautiful!!

  17. Happy Pink Saturday !!! Your doll head vases are so beautiful. I have a chair like yours - your flowers are just lovely. I wish you a grand new week.

  18. very pretty table setting.. great find! happy PS! have a great weekend


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.