Friday, July 17, 2009

2 quilts finished

The Black, Pink and White quilt is one I quilted for a client. The novelty print is all different pieces of undergarments, and I just happened to have, and was wondering when I would ever use it or if I would, a pantograph design of undergarments with some writing also, quilted in pink thread and her back was white. She is giving it to a friend with cancer and having all the girls sign the back, too cute. The second quilt is the first one I've ever done with chinese coins pattern, was so much fun, I see myself making lots of these, a great way to use of smaller pieces of your stash.


  1. The Chinese coin calls to me as well. But the quilting there ~ uh! Quite adorable. Oh yes, quite!!!

  2. Beuitful quilt. I dony know if its' my first time here. Nice blog.
    I like the music too.

    Have great week ahead Michelle.

  3. Oh I love the black white and pink!! I've never attempted Chinese coin but they always turn out looking so fun! Great work!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.