Friday, July 3, 2009

Pink Saturday-July 4th

It’s time for Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday

A new rose bush I planted just 2 weeks ago, I thought the lighting was nice and I liked the bush shadows against the house, hopefully everyone does not tire of looking at pink roses....a pillow I made up from some of the line from Robin Pandolph that I sell on etsy.....I like bringing my flowers in from the garden to enjoy inside also....and I couldn't resist adding a couple of personal photos this week of a 1 year old and 15 year old close to my heart, my nephew and neice, he does have a pink cupcake and part of her gift from me was a box of pink bubble gum. Happy Pink Saturday everyone and happy 4th of July, have a fun and safe weekend!


  1. Michelle!
    Oh this is absolutely beautiful. I love the rosebush, and the pillow looks so comfy. Makes you just want to lay down and rest awhile. The baby is precious and I love the big pink bubble. Just precious. Thanks for sharing.
    "Country Hugs", Sherry

  2. A very lovely "Pink Saturday" it is, too. I liked the variety you pulled in. Almost like "...this one goes because look - pink cupcakes." Okay and can I just say the rose is delectable. Oh my is it ever. I was happy to arrive this morning.

    I'm learning you're an easy, no hard work Blogger and I appreciate that!

    No Replies Needed to Love, *karendianne.

  3. What a cute pink post. Love the pillow.

  4. What a cutie patootie! I love the birthday hats. What fun!

    Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday rolled into one!
    Erin :)

  5. Love the pillow you made! That fabric is beautiful. And I love your family photos. Thanks for sharing them with us. Happy PInk Saturday!

  6. Love the rose, love the cushion - and the baby and bubble, what fun.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Independence Day (being from the UK, I forgot)!

  7. The pillow looks real comfy and pretty too. I like the quilt feel. Also liking very much those birdie candle holders :-)

    Happy Pink Weekend!

  8. Michelle, I always love seeing lovely pink roses! Keep em coming! Your nephew and niece are so adorable and precious!

    That Robin Pandolph pillow is so pretty! I need to head over to your etsy!

    Hope you had a lovely and safe 4th of July!



Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.