Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Orange Cosmos-Outdoor Wenesday

Please visit Susan our wonderful hostess of this even and see her great thunderstorm shots this week, and also the other participants of OW.
Can you say orange. Orange Cosmos that is. I collected these seeds from plants two years ago and threw them in the ground this year and they, well, produced very well. I probably should have thinned them out, and placed some all around, but I was too lazy. Happy Outdoor Wednesday, thanks for stopping by.


  1. Cosmos are such happy delicate flowers. Enjoyed seeing the orange color.

  2. Its cosmic cosmos! Love the orange colors!
    My entry is here

  3. Those are absolutely gorgeous!

    My Outdoor Wednesday is photos of surfers/the Gulf Waters...come on over test the water temperatures!! I'd love to have your company today.

  4. Oh! Oh! Oh and Orange is one of my most favorite colors, too!!!

  5. I love orange cosmos. I grow them too. These are some great shots. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That shade of orange is nothing short of gorgeous. Your photos are lovely. It's hard to get good pictures of flowers at this time of year.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.