Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pink Saturday

Please stop by and visit our hostes Beverly.

I was at the grocery store and always have to stop at the magazine section and I was struck at all the pink in the covers, so I naturally whipped out my phone and started taking pics, luckily no one was wonder what the heck is she doing, I didn't want to have to explain.
I've had a very pink week...some of the last of the roses of the season in my garden, I received a fabric order in Kaffe Fassett with some pink dots, I finished my zig zag quilt one row is pink, and I received my doll quilt swap with pinks. More pics and blogs on the two quilts in below posts.
Happy PS everyone, thanks for stopping by.


  1. some lovley pink stuff love looking at the covers of your magazines they are different from ours over here in the uk but the same if you know what i mean

  2. Thanks for the up date on what's on the news stand.
    Love Kaffe Facet.
    Your quilts are beautiful.
    Have a wonderful pink saturday

  3. ♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

  4. Great pink post. LOve your quilts. Happy pink Saturday

  5. I really appreciate the time you took to assemble today's post for Pink Saturday. It is a great pink post. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Michelle.
    your quilt with the birds is so very pretty.
    you are so talented.
    Praying for your daughters' foot.
    Angel Hugs Sweet Lady

  7. Oh Michelle, I so love, love, love that zigzag quilt. Oh my gosh honey, it takes my breath away. That is how I feel our lives go, every which way. God could never take us on a straight path, as that would be to boring, he lets us choose along the way, and with our faults we go so many directions. That is what I see with this beautiful piece of art that you have so lovingly and painstakenly pieced together. Thank you so much for sharing with me today. I so love you. Country hugs, Sherry

  8. When the blossoms of summer begin to fade we can always count on Pink Saturday to bring a smile to our faces and to remind us that somewhere there are pastels and pretty things.

    Thanks so much for sharing this week. I wish you sunshine and lollipops today and always.

  9. I want to knit now. Love the Vogue Knitting cover. Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Oh my goodness, lots of great reading there and gorgeous quilts to curl up with too, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  11. Good Sunday Morning Michelle! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little bird quilt in your last photo! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  12. I love your quilts! I am in awe of quilters! I started one 3 years ago and it's still...well....

  13. Ohhh Pink Saturday. So when I first arrived I thought "Oh look how creative she's getting!" Then I was struck, struck with inspiration, message, communication. Call it what you will but woah, today was serious for me.

    Vogue Knitting (idea struck: include in the "just because" gift bag I'm working on for a friend.)

    Yoga (Paying attention to the message that brought)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.