Friday, November 6, 2009

Pink Saturday-Tea for Me

Thanks to Beverly for hosting our lovely PS, please stop by and visit her at:
Tea-My favorite tea cup is this pink rose danity china tea cup, I love the rose that is on the inside of the cup and I have an antique pink rose hanki next to it.   I drink my tea "straight up", no sugar, no cream...just tea please, how do you like yours?  My favorite teas are Tazo-refresh, Bigelow-constant comment and raspberry among many.  Althought I drink all teas, white, green black, herbal, and if I'm at starbucks...grande - chai tea latte -non fat, please.

FAVORITE Tea of a many, I just look at this and think, oh I hope to grow old and drink tea with friends...can't you just imagine their conversation.  Happy Pink Saturday, thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Michelle!
    I love this stamp of the older ladies. Makes you wonder what they are discussing. One of them sure is poiuting, and the one in the middle looks as though she wants to run. I love it.

    Your teacup and saucer is just beautiful. So pink and delicate.

    Thanks for sharing my friend. I love your new profile picture. It is beautiful.

    Please stop by and let me share my Pink Saturday with you.

    Country hugs and love, Sherry

  2. I've eased drop on their conversation, and the tea drinker on the right just asked her tea drinking friend, "Have you 'TeaDyed' your Haaaiiir, Honey". She's a Girl Raised In Texas! Fun Post! Happy Pink Saturday!....Sue

  3. Oh what a beatiful tea glass, simply marvelous tea today.

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  4. That is the prettiest teacup ! The print makes you laugh and then wonder...LOL !

  5. Pink is my favorite color - no other compares, so Pink Saturday is the day when I can sit back, look at sweet pink goodies and visit some of the most lovely blogs in cyberspace.

    Thank you for sharing your pinks with me today. They warmed my little pink ♥. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed weekend filled with the love of friends and family.

  6. My grandmother had a set of china in that pattern or at least one very much like it! It is so pretty, isn't it? Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Michelle, what a pretty teacup and hankie, and I love that print! What fun they are having and what on earth are they discussing? I would love to be a fly on the wall.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. Your stamp is cute! I love your tea set, very lovely!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Oh my goodness, I have that cup and saucer. It was given to me by my great aunt. Unfortunatly, it has a crack in the cup. I won't every toss it out, but it's so good to see with tea in it, it's gorgeous, Happy PInk Saturday, Char

  10. What beautiful photos and lovely Pinks. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog. Happy Pink Saturday and please have a wonderful new week.

  11. Hello thank you so much for visiting me today for Pink Saturday. I loved our visit.

    Thank you so much for your kind words.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.


  12. That is one very pretty teacup. It makes drinking tea much much special :-) And yes love that they also designed the inside of the cup :-)

    And to grow old with the dearest of friends and still not run out of something to talk about is what I would like too :-)


  13. Well drats! Another "showed up and didn't comment." Who knows about me except I'm oh so busy being quilty I guess? Yes, that's it! What I remember about this post was the cookie! Shameful I know but I'm such the COOKIE MONSTER, Michelle, I can't help it.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.