Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hand Stamped Christmas Cards

I read this little bit from the book "101 Ways to Enjoy God" by Candy Paull.
Create Something Beautiful for God. God created you in his image.  Your creativity is a gift from God, and the way you use your creativity is your gift back to God.  Home crafts, fine art, beautiful music, useful objects that are well designed and well made are all expressions of the creative spirit .Whatever you make, create it for God's glory as well as humanity's use.  It can be as simple as an arrangement of flowers for your table, or as complex as an exquistely crafted piece of furniture.  Whatever you create, make it something that satisfiess your heart, takes your best effort, and becomes a worthy offering to God.

I will honor you as long as I live, lifting my hands up to you in prayer.  Psalm 63:4 NLT
So tell me, two things:  1.  Which is your favorite card I made up above?  and 2.  What do you like to create?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pink Saturday-Two Favoirte Quilt Books

stop over to visit all the other's who are joining in today's fun.  I am show casing two favorite books today, "Quilts en Provence" by Kaffe Fassett and "Material Obsession 2" by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke.  The photography is beautiful in the books and the patterns are fabulous, please let me know how to get another two hours into my day just to work on making these beauties up.  Have a great Pinkie Day!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade, "Tom's" Portraits

Happy Thanksgiving to you, thank you for stopping by and visiting, pies in the oven so I have a few minutes before heading over the river and through the woods to my "sister's" house.  I took the photos off the TV and thought they came out pretty good, so I thought I'd share the highlights of some of the floats and balloons.  Also a few portraits of Tom Turkey around my house along with antique postcards.  I am so thankful for so many things, mostly I praise my heavenly Father for His grace, mercy, provision and protection! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shhh...Xmas presents for Family

Starburst Hotpads for my sisters, cousin and daughter, it's a secret that will be kept because unfortunately they are too busy to be interested in blogging at this time in their lives. I saw this over here and it looked sooo cute I had to try and they whip up very fast.  If you haven't visited Casey at  plus 3 crochet you must stop over.  This pattern can be found here: and there is a utube video on sewing the starburst together. See below.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Autumn Hues

Gerber daisies, carnations and abounds in this pretty color combination and design of each flower.  I love fresh flowers in the house for each season to match the candles and the seasonal decorations.  Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

God's Protection

Deer, 8 pt. buck, hits me-8:15am {running late to work}going 65 mph on the thruway.  To say I was in a little shock is an understatement, I never saw him coming and just felt a huge boom on the drivers side of the car, hit by my front tire and driver's door.  Policeman said it was amazing that the glass didn't break, etc, one of the bigger "ones" around.  Truly a miricle, I was uninjured and my car was repaired.  I've seen 3 more deer in go in front of me in the last 3 weeks and heard of 3 people dying from car accidents with deer.  Praise God for his protection.

Psalms 34:18-20 The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking; he rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins.  The good man does not escape all troubles-he has them too.   BUt the Lord helps him in each and every one.  God even protects him from accidents. {The Living Bible}

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Turkey Trail Mix

Thanksgiving is this Thursday, so I will be busy this weekend making some of these up for all the kids and if the adults are lucky them too.  I have these stamps, but if you don't you could just as well type them up and print them out and use stickers.
This is the back of the tag.

Here's the little ditty the front says:

Turkey Trail Mix
There once was a turkey names Jerome
Who always got lost on his way home
One day he confided in Fred, his good pal,
who told him to follow the old "turkey trail".

"Just leave behind a peanut or two,
Small marshmallows and a chocolate clue,
Some pretezel sticks to find your way
Back home again for lThanksgiving Day!"

Have a great day! Blessings, Michelle

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Praise God for technology!  The church I attend offers the ability to watch church on-line.  So, if you are sick or unable to get to church you can still hear the Word
"This is the message you heard from the beginning:  We should love one another." 1st John 3:11
Blessings, Michelle

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Alpaca Farm

Alpaca Farm in Lockport, NY. About three weeks ago when I was at a local farmers market I saw a lovely fleted hat on a child and commente to the mother, asking if she'd made it and she no, she got it at the Alpaca Farm in Lockport...well I was stunned an Alpaca Farm so close to me and as a knitter, I knew nothing of this, oh could that be. The day I visited they were closed, so I did not get a real tour or go into the shop, I'm planning on revisiting soon, more to follow. Enjoy the photos.

Isn't she lovely, she was so curious, came right up to me.
Blessings, Michelle