Sunday, November 21, 2010

God's Protection

Deer, 8 pt. buck, hits me-8:15am {running late to work}going 65 mph on the thruway.  To say I was in a little shock is an understatement, I never saw him coming and just felt a huge boom on the drivers side of the car, hit by my front tire and driver's door.  Policeman said it was amazing that the glass didn't break, etc, one of the bigger "ones" around.  Truly a miricle, I was uninjured and my car was repaired.  I've seen 3 more deer in go in front of me in the last 3 weeks and heard of 3 people dying from car accidents with deer.  Praise God for his protection.

Psalms 34:18-20 The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking; he rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins.  The good man does not escape all troubles-he has them too.   BUt the Lord helps him in each and every one.  God even protects him from accidents. {The Living Bible}


  1. Holy Moly Michelle! So glad you weren't hurt! You are very blessed!

    Thanks so much for visiting me!

    Have a lovely and safe weekend!


  2. Your guardian angel was definitely watching out for you.



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