Sunday, January 30, 2011

Praise God-John Wesley Prayer

Regular, frequent prayer is an important part of the lives of people who desire a meaningful relaltionship with God. John Wesley, a devout Christian and the founder of Methodism, had a deep concern for the "state of his soul". Because of what concern he regularly prayed two hours a day. here is one of John Wesley's prayers, which youo may want to include in your devotions.
O God, who are are the giver of all good gifts, I your unworthy servant entirely desire to praise your name for all the exlressions of your bounty toward me.  Blessed be your love for all the temporal benefits which you have with a liberal hand poured out upon me; for my health and strength, food and raiment, and all the other necessaries...I also bless you, that after all my refusals of your grace, you still have patience with me, have preserved me this night, and given me yet another day to renew and perfect my repentance. 
Make yourself aSways present to my mind, and let your love fill and rule my soul, in all those places, and companies, and employements to which you call me this day.  O you who are good and do good, who extend your loving-kindness to all mankind, the work of your hands, your image, capable of knowing and loving you eternally:  Suffer me to exclude none, O Lord, from my charity, who are the objects of your mercy; but let me treat all my neighbors with the tender love which is due to your servants and to your children.  Let your lov to me, O blessed Savior, be the patternn of my love to them.
Preserve my parents, my brothers and sisters, my friends and relations, and all mankind in their souls and bodies.  Forgive my enemies, and in your due time make them kindly affected toward me.  O grant that we, with those who are already dead in your faith and fear, may together partake of a joyful ressurection.

Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8

Blessings and Hugs to you today!  Michelle


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  2. Thank you for this beautiful post!

  3. pretty bouquet:))

    love ~~~
    psalm 148:8
    prayer and daily reading & listening to uplifting music driving to work ~~~help me hold it together each day:)

    Nurse duty tonight for my husband, daughter & son
    third batch of chicken noodle soup..

    Hope I can go to sleep soon:))

    Kay Ellen

    Have a blessed week:))

    Thank you for your prayers for Korbi and family and friends of Leila.
    I will pray for your precious daughters' up coming surgery.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.