Saturday, September 24, 2011

Praise God

September 21st was my Mom's birthday, and she, I'm sure had a fantastic celebration in heaven with my Dad and others.  She loved birthday parties.  This year my sisters and I did something different, we went out for dinner in celebration of her birthday and gave gifts.  We celebrated her and remembered her, November will be 5 years she's been gone, and I Praise God that we are all Christians and have His promises of hope for being reunited with our loved ones.  It makes it much more bearable to know we will spend eternity with each other.

Blessings, Michelle

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday-Stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs

Another, post from pinterest. If you want to follow me I have a button on the side to click or you can click here, and check it out, I have to warn you it is addicting, but soooooo inspiring,

One reason I am doing a post on pinterest again, is my computer has crashed with a virus I believe and I am not sure it is repairable and of course I was going to get around to learning how to back up my c drive with all my documents and photos and did NOT and now I may have lost everything, I am very sad and angry as you can all if you don't do so {which you all probably do} take my advice and regularly back things up...the evil ones are all around us.

Happy Pink Saturday, hugs Michelle

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mosaic Monday-Sunset

Be sure to check out Mary's blog and view the other links for Mosaic Monday

If you already seen these for pink sautrday as a single photo I'm sorry, but I just had to share again with Mosiac Monday in ths format.  It was truly a magnificent, breathtaking view of the sky last week, after my bike ride and walking the dog, I just happened to look up and there it was!  So glad I didn't miss this these few moments because they were changing very rapidly every few.  Have a lovely week.  Michelle

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Praise God

Cute decorating idea.
Well worn, well used.

All imaged from pinterest!  Have a blessed Lord's day!, Amen and Amen, Michelle

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday-Stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs.

Sometimes I get so busy I don't even see what's going on outside around me, I'm rushing around doing errands, driving here and there, busy inside the house and I just have not been slowing down to enjoy the simle things.  So, I went for a bike ride the other night after dinner, then I took the dog for a walk, well as I was walking down the street, I could not  help but notice the sky in front of me. 

It was breathtaking to say the least. His artistry was magnificent. The sky was luminous and radiant with beauty, I tried to capture it best I could with my camera, just hoping I could run in grab the camera and get some shots off before it disappeared, each couple of minutes the sky was changing with the clouds and color. Note to self.....slow down, missing moments!

Have a wonderfuly weekend, enjoy something simple, HUGS, Michelle

Monday, September 12, 2011

Texture Tuesdays- verb "do"

Stop on over to Kim's today and check out all the other blogs linking up!

The theme today was the verb "do", so many possibilities with that I decided my interpretation for "do" this week is to "just do" one of the decor designs I seen on-line.  So many times I see something in  a magazine or blog or wherever and never get around to actually "doing" it, trying what I've seen and admired, so my fall foyer is looking like this, more photos below in Monday mosaic.

Are you in the mood for some hot cider and some pumkin bread? Have a terrific tuesday, Michelle

Monday Mosaic-Fall foyer decor

Be sure to check out Mary's blog and view the other links for Mosaic Monday.

I saw this idea on pinterest and just had to try it, I thought it was such a pretty fall display, and hey I had wine glasses and pinecones...just had to run out for the tealights and gourds.

It really is pretty with the lights all off, such a nice mood and the aroma, wonderful warm and spicy.  Have a marvelous monday, hugs, Michelle

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Praise God

Jonathan Edwards (delivered in a sermon in 1733)
"God is the highest good of the reasonable creature,  and the enjoyment of him is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied.  To go to heaven fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accomodations here.  Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows.  But the enjoyment of God is the substance.  These are but scattered beams, but God is the sun.  These are but streams, but God is the fountain.  These are but drops, but God is the ocean."

As it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"--these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.  For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.  For who knows a person's thougths except the spirit of that person which is in him?  So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except  the Spirit of God.  Now we have received not the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.  1 Corinthians 2:9-12

Blessings,, Michelle

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pink Saturday-pinterest

Pink Saturday-Stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs.

Today, I have some photos to show that I've been collecting from pinterest.  If you want to follow me I have a button on the side to click or you can click here, and check it out, I have to warn you it is addicting, but soooooo inspiring,

Thank you to Pat from Artful Diva,,  to be the first person to have put up a pin from my blog , I was so honored.  I have to figure out how to do that next, I'm still new to this site and all the ins and outs.

Have a wonderful pink saturday, hugs, Michelle

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall Porch

Front porch, start of fall decorating!
My favorite season.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Texture Tuesdays-Cracker Jack & Autumn Burst

Stop on over to Kim's today and check out all the other blogs linking up!

Here's the texture using Cracker Jack, zinnia's from my garden.

The next photo I tried the autumn burst with a shot from a visit to the sunflower field.

Thank you to Kim for two more amazing textures to have fun with, I know I will be using these both over and over again.  Have a Teriffic Tuesday!  Hugs, Michelle

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mosaic Monday-Sunflowers

Be sure to check out Mary's blog and view the other links for Mosaic Monday.

Today's mosaic is from a visit to a sunflower patch at a local market.

Sunny yellow beauty...I could have kept going making these are so much fun...but I don't want to bore anyone with a zillion of them.  Have a marvelous Monday! Hugs, Michelle

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Praise God-Sunflowers

I had sooooo much fun in a patch of sunflowers Wednesday night, here are a couple of photos I took and then altered in photoshop with some scripture. 

I do hope you enjoyed viewing and mediating on these scriptures, have a wonderful Lord's day.
Blessings, Michelle

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pink Saturday-pinterest finds

Pink Saturday-Stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs.
Ladies-Have you been on love it and thought I would post a few "Pinks" I found over there today.  I'm very new to using it, and now sure about all the ins and outs, but it is addicting.  I have an loving all visual beauty.
I adore this skirt, look at that bow, how sweet is that.

Are these adorable or what.

I have a table like this that wood stained top and white legs, in my basement, I think I might paint it pink, how cool is this.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Hugs Michelle