Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday-Stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs.

Sometimes I get so busy I don't even see what's going on outside around me, I'm rushing around doing errands, driving here and there, busy inside the house and I just have not been slowing down to enjoy the simle things.  So, I went for a bike ride the other night after dinner, then I took the dog for a walk, well as I was walking down the street, I could not  help but notice the sky in front of me. 

It was breathtaking to say the least. His artistry was magnificent. The sky was luminous and radiant with beauty, I tried to capture it best I could with my camera, just hoping I could run in grab the camera and get some shots off before it disappeared, each couple of minutes the sky was changing with the clouds and color. Note to self.....slow down, missing moments!

Have a wonderfuly weekend, enjoy something simple, HUGS, Michelle


  1. If a sky like that doesn't make one a believer, I don't know what will. Thank you for sharing this beautiful sight!

  2. Yes beautiful skyphooto's and it is good that you were there at the right moment as indeed it changes every minute.
    Happy pink Saturday

  3. No one could ever make that kind of beauty but HIM. And I agree with you sometimes I just stop snapping and wonder in awe the miracle that is happening in front of me. As you said every minutes the color change and it is really true, and oftentimes what we saw is not what we can get in our camera. But that is how it is...slow down, missing moments!! Happy weekend!
    Pink or Peach

  4. Wow! That is one beautiful sky, Michelle. He sure knows how to paint a picture! Thanks for sharing and for your visit. Happy Pinks.


  5. Wow, beautiful!! I have to admit, that beats the sunset pictures I posted last week :) Happy PS!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.