The Candy Cane Legend
Look at the Candy Cane--what do you see? Stipes that are red, like the blood shed for me. White is for my Savior, who's sinless and pure! "J" is for Jesus, my Lord, that's for sure! Turn it around and a staff you will see--Jesus, my shepherd, was born for me!--
The Legend of the Candy Cane
A candy maker decided to fashion some candy to honor Jesus. He made hard candy because Christ is our rock. White symbolizes Christ's purity. The red stripes are for His blood, shed on the cross to save us. The shape is a sheperd's staff, for Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
Also, made ten of these"snowman soup" packets up cc's and a pack of hot cocco mix.
Snowman Soup
So, you've been real good this year, Always glad to hear it, With freezing weather drawing near, You'll need to warm the spirit...So here's a little Snowman Soup complete with stirring stick, Add hot wter, sip it slow, It's sure to do the trick!
These are soooo much fun to make and to give...He Loves, He Gives, we copy the Father...we love, we give all in His name...Blessings, Michelle
"For God so loved the world he gave His only begotten son, whosoever believes in him shall have not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
These are adorable. :)