Friday, January 20, 2012

Mug Rugs-Pink Saturday

Please stop over to our hostess sweet Beverly and check out all the other linked blogs

Mug rugs, yes I found out they are addicting to make, here's two more.
This is the zig zag if someone would just make me a scone with some devonshire cream and jam, I'd be all set, I can put a pot on.

This was with Joel Dewberry's fabric.  I had a bunch of half square triangles left over from a quilt I'd made.
The next one is a photograph I took in my garden of a monarch landed on my coneflower and I printed it on fabric, isn't that cool.
Amy Butler binding, don't you just love those dots.
I happen to put this tiny quilt on the long arm, just for fun and quilted one of Anne Bright's fill patterns.
I thought the colors and detail were really amazing for a digital photograph and then printed to fabric.  My daugther mentioned see loves butterflys when I showed her, so this may end up being a birthday gift for February's girl....shhh don't tell her.
These mug rugs remind me of a potholder or journal art quilt or a miniture doll quilt...another fun way to use of scraps and try new techniques and fantastic for those who want a little "instant" gratification!!
Hugs, Michelle


  1. What a beautiful mat for your tea! I would love to learn how to put photos on fabric. I can just imagine the possibilities! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Beautiful colors! The cup and saucer is lovely, too!
    ♥ Jil

  3. Pretty colours, Michelle, and I love the teacup too! Happy Pinks!


  4. Love the butterfly mug mat, Michelle. The fabric is wonderful.
    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Very cute. Nice fabric choices and I love the teacup.
    Happy PS!

  6. Lovely pink, i love that!

    My PINK is inviting you to come and see. Have a nice weekend!

  7. whoa ... aren't you talented ! Love your fabric from a photo. It's amazing what we can do these days.
    happy ps !

  8. Love how you strut your Pink! So glad I saw you at Beverly's Pink Saturday. ~Diane

  9. Those are really neat! I think it's awesome that you printed your own photo onto the fabric! ;) I've got a Homemaking Link-Up Weekend going on today (and every weekend) and this would be just perfect if you'd like to link up! Look for the post about "A Mommy of 8 Does Get Her Quiet Time".

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  10. Don't you just love it when you have scrap leftovers to make something so pretty and useful? I enjoy my scrap box almost as much as a new piece of fabric...sometimes even more! I like the idea of getting something for nothing....almost like free!

    Great job on the quilting, too. Well done...Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Not only is that a neat mat for your cup but your tea cup and saucer is beautiful too. Pat

  12. I have added these to my 2012 "I'd like to make" list. Happy to see them done and so cute!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Fiddle. Looks like a bunch of internet problems today - one thing or another is weird. My comment disappeared into error-land! Anyway - great post. I have been interested in printing on fabric - curious to see how it's done. And your mug rugs are great! Love the butterfly! Thanks, Jenn

  14. I love your mug rugs! So cool that the butterfly turned out so well!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.