Thursday, January 9, 2014

Coffee for your Heart

I'm joining in with Holley Gerth each Wednesday for the "Coffee for your Heart" Encouragement Challenge for 2014. Today is the first. Make sure you stop over and visit all the other great links.

This week Holley's prompt was: “What encouraging words do you want the people you care about to hear as they begin a new year?”. So grab your coffee, tea or water bottle and spend some time filling your heart and mind with the good stuff.

Reading through scripture these verses spoke to me: Jude 1:1-2 Christians everywhere--beloved of God and chosen by Him. May you be given more and more of God's kindness, peace, and love.

What an awesome way to start the new year to mediate on how we were chosen by Him and that we are His beloved, isn't that beautiful, doesn't that make you smile and feel good. To wish you this New Year more and more of God's kindness, peace and love, who doesn't want more and more of that, yes please! Amen.

Blessings, Michelle, child of God, chosen and beloved.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking up with Coffee for Your Heart, friend! XOXO


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I enjoy reading each one they are encouraging, inspiring and make my day. Hugs and blessings.