#164 Pumkins with curly stems
#165 cornstalks
#166 Fluffy white clouds
#167 His unfailing love, cited over and over again in the Psalms
#168 blue spruce pine needles
#169 Another Day
#170 The Lord's Prayer
#171 time browsing faviorte book store B&N
#172 orthopetic drs., x-ray technicians
#173 fall scented hand santizer
#174 ice cold bottled spring water
#175 live Jesus painting video
Blessings, keep counting, keep thanking, keep looking up! ....Michelle
The winner from Sunday's post is.......all five of YOU who posted comments, I could not bring myself to choose just one, email me your addresses and you will each receive a packet of handstamped cards from me, I hope you use them to bless someone else, so they can count a gift and most importantly thank the real GIVER!
Just beautiful, Michelle.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Michelle, Thank you for your generosity! Blessings!
Thank you Michelle! How sweet to choose to bless all 5 of us. Thanking Him for the gift of you. Email to follow...
Hi - I've posted a comment in your spider lily quilt post a few (well a lot) of your posts back.
I am requesting to use one of your photo in my blog to portray my new hand dyed thread base on your photo. I plan to post in my blog next week so I hope I have a favorable feedback from you.
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