I used an overall pantograph quilting desing of santa face and snowflakes and quilted in white thread and used a solid red kona backing and red binding machine stitched down, this ended up to be a twin size. I really like the quilting design, it quilted up so nice.
This is what it looked like on the machine.
At first I thought I didn't want to show a Christmas Quilt, but then when I went to get my Halloween candy last night it had all been moved to the sale area and the candy canes boxes were all lined up. So hopefully no one minds seeing Christmas now, I think it's still early but it will be here before we know it. Thank you for stopping by and taking a "peek".
Hugs, Michelle
Blogger’s Quilt Festival Stats
Finished quilt measures : Twin Bed SizeSpecial techniques used : Modern piecing, Strip
Quilted by : Myself on Statler Gammill
Best Category : Two color quilt. Bed Quilt, Professional Quilting

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